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Grant Funded Programs

The foundation is continuously seeking grant funding from corporate and foundation grant opportunities. Many of the grants we are awarded offer excellent programs to the students in CCSD15 schools.  

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge: FIRST LEGO League robotics teams compete in regional, state, and national tournaments by building robots out of LEGOS and programming them to accomplish specific maneuvers and tasks related to the theme of each year’s challenge. Since 2001, the Motorola Solutions Foundation’s Innovation Generation grants totaling more than $121,000 have funded this program in District 15. 

  • Latino Family Literacy Project Summer Program: This 6- to 10-week program aims to increase Latino parents’ involvement in their kids’ education by providing them the literacy training they need to nurture a love of reading within their children. During the school year, this program is offered at multiple sites throughout the District. During the summer, the Foundation covers the cost of offering it at the Palatine Opportunity Center.

  • Extended-Day Kindergarten Classroom Libraries Grant: District 15 offers several extended-day kindergarten classes that increase the time and intensity of the instruction provided to select students who are already well behind their peers. After attending a regular morning kindergarten session, these students stick around for lunch, recess, and an afternoon of additional literacy instruction. The Foundation’s $1,000 grant will provide new books for their classroom libraries.

  • Keep Music Strong Scholarship: Each year, Dr. Gerry Aylward, a local orthodontist and multi-talented musician, funds a musical scholarship that provides an instrument and/or music lessons for a student at each of District 15’s four junior highs. 


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